The Minnesota Acupuncture Association is committed to advancing licensed acupuncturists, acupuncture, and integrative medical therapies (herbal, manual therapies, nutrition) as a means for enhancing health and well-being.
We operate from these beliefs:
Everyone should have the opportunity to feel better and live a healthy life.
Healthcare should be safe, effective and accessible for everyone.
There are a variety of ways to accomplish safe, effective and accessible healthcare.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are viable methods for both treatment and preventive healthcare today.
Our organizational goals are to:
Advance the profession of licensed acupuncturist within the state of Minnesota by supporting our members through continuing education, legislative activities, and as a link to national developments and research within our profession.
Promote ethical and professional standards for our practitioners.
Educate the public about the capabilities of acupuncture and integrative medicine and provide information to help them find licensed qualified practitioners.
As an organization, we value:
Credibility, professionalism, caring, responsiveness and integrity.
Strong, effective, collaborative leadership.
Transparent, open, supportive, trustworthy and consistent communication.
Teamwork that is effective, collaborative and respective.
Licensed Acupuncturists use a complete system of healthcare used by millions of people worldwide to prevent, treat and manage a wide range of health problems. It unites ancient healing methods with modern medicine. It addresses the whole person as a system, looking at and exploring symptoms and patterns as a way to maintain or restore health.
Herbal medicine is one of the important treatment tools of an acupuncturist, which combines over 400 natural products into thousands of formulas to treat health problems.
According to the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health, Oriental medicine can be used to treat or relieve symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal, urogenital, gynecological, respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal or nervous system as well as emotional and psychological disorders. A few examples are: women's disorders during menstruation and menopause, chronic pain, arthritis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, depression, urinary tract infections, hypertension and allergies.
Acupuncture has developed many methods for prevention and treatment of disease including:
Acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping
Chinese herbal medicine
Dietary therapy
Medical massage/traction (also known as TuiNa)
Currently, acupuncture is valued as a sophisticated and rational medicine with a step-by-step methodology which is the standard of care in professionally practiced Chinese medicine around the world. Acupuncture has a solid foundation in a codified prescriptive methodology placing it in the world of professional medical practitioners.
Board of Directors
The purpose of the Minnesota Acupuncture Association's Governing Board is to provide governance for the good of the Association. The Board and/or its members shall:
Provide the source for officer candidates and elect the Officers.
May serve as a member liaison of each standing committee.
Make policy decisions, which shall bind the Association, subject to ratification at the annual membership meeting unless voted down by membership.
Ratify Executive Committee decisions made between Board meetings.
Implement policy decisions.
Current Board goals are to:
Increase active, satisfied and committed membership.
Create and pass proactive legislation.
Produce and develop effective, consistent, professional PR/Marketing.
Develop effective administration and governance.
Create positive professional networks.